​The Logo Story
The Elyejah Project logo is not just another logo...There is a story behind each part of the logo...
The blue gradient color background is because Elyejah's favorite color was blue..."all 23 shades."
The elephant represents Elyejah's favorte animal. He thought of his mom in this way as she protected him as an elephant protects their young.
The house symbolizes the Elyejah Center which is part of the vision and is protected under the strength of the Elephant.
The heart in the Elephant trunk represents the love that the Elyejah Project has for the youth in our communities and places it at the top of our priority.
Think of each part of the logo as a chapter in the bigger story of how the Elyejah Project came to be.
Elevate and...
Love our...
Youth and...
Empower them to know...
Jesus and...